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About the Project

Phase 1: Dune nourishment and re-vegetation in Newbury, MA using innovative fencing and native vegetation methods. Conducted following severe erosion cycle of 2011-13 which resulted in 5 homes being lost to the sea.

Phase 2: The Great Marsh Resiliency Partnership’s efforts to restore the  sand dunes of Newbury, Newburyport and Salisbury, MA got a boost in December from PIE-Rivers partners at the University of New Hampshire. Led by coastal ecologist Dr. Gregg Moore and outreach specialist Alyson Eberhardt, volunteers came out to plant native dune grasses and install sand fencing in preparation for the coming winter storms. The planting effort followed  a widely publicized and well-attended community meeting hosted by Michelle Rowden and the Salisbury Conservation Commission at Salisbury Town Hall earlier in the week. Sand dunes play a critical role in protecting communities during storm events, including future projected increased storm activity due to climate change. The grass planted will help stabilize and build the dunes that, in turn, will help protect homes and infrastructure, stabilize the beaches and provide habitat for wildlife. View the video of Dr. Moore’s Salisbury presentation.


Newbury, Newburyport, and Salisbury beaches.


Phase 1 Complete (2014)
Phase 2 Active

Lead Organization: University of New Hampshire

Project Contact: Gregg Moore (UNH)

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